
Couples Photos Under the Northern Lights | Aurora Engagement

When a once-in-a-lifetime aurora storm lights up your hometown, capturing couples photos under the northern lights becomes a must. As an astrophotographer turned wedding photographer, the appearance of the northern lights in Utah was a clear sign for me to camp out with some of my closest friends and immortalize this extraordinary event.

For these photos, we headed to Antelope Island in Utah, aiming to minimize light pollution and enhance our view. Although I initially considered driving further north for a more intense aurora experience, we were fortunate enough to catch the edge of the solar storm over the Great Salt Lake! We spent several hours by a campfire, eagerly waiting. Then, around 1:30 AM, the first hints of green appeared on the horizon. Within minutes, the sky erupted into vibrant pink rays that stretched towards the stars.

Capturing couples photos under the northern lights requires long exposure to properly reveal the aurora’s beauty. I advise my couples to stay as still as possible for a few seconds while my camera, securely mounted on a tripod, does the rest. These images are the result of just a few magical minutes under the lights.

It’s my ultimate dream to photograph the aurora in Iceland, Norway, or Alaska. If you’re planning your wedding for late winter in one of these stunning northern locations or if you want your own couples photos under the northern lights, reach out to me. I’ll offer you a special deal for the chance to document such a unique and unforgettable experience.

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      Written by actbiggy