Since it first opened five years ago, a small Peruvian restaurant by the name of Ajilalo has pleased its 4-legged customers with this beautiful custom.
Even before he started his restaurant, Gerardo Ortiz, the restaurant’s proprietor, had a habit of feeding the stray puppies. But when a stray dog named Ajilalo came up to his restaurant, his heart tightened, and he made a dish specifically for her.
Ortiz has devoted his life to feeding homeless dogs who have been starving ever since.
Gerardo never turned away any of the stray dogs who had come to the restaurant over the years in search of a tasty meal.
Even for the animals, he built food and water dispensers near the restaurant’s doors.

No dog visits Gerardo and leaves empty-handed | Photo Credits – Restaurante – ajilalo
Although many of the dogs are frequent “clients,” there are occasionally some newcomers as well. When he observes a new puppy asking for food with the cutest eyes, Gerardo is overwhelmed with happiness.
Along with food, Gerardo also names the dogs so he can more readily recognize them and determine if he has given them the day’s portion.

Gerardo continued to feed the helpless pups during these difficult times even though the epidemic had a severe negative impact on the restaurant.
Given the increased number of animals without homes as a result of many low-income households getting rid of their cats and dogs owing to the global catastrophe brought on by the coronavirus, he realized his assistance was needed much more than previously.
Gerardo, however, does more than just provide food for stray dogs; he also tries to place some of them up for adoption and spreads the knowledge of proper sterilization and animal mistreatment.

“Unfortunately, there are a lot of instances of pups being abandoned in the country, and what is most concerning is the overcrowding brought on by the sale of animals and the lack of mass sterilizations.
Gerardo told UPSOCL, “I think we could stop so much abuse if the Peruvian government backed the shelters and started sterilization drive all around the nation.

Since many citizens of the community are inspired to learn about the issue and come to help with donations, Gerardo’s selfless work is undoubtedly having an impact.
Additionally, Gerardo used the opportunity to phone other restaurants and ask them to donate food to the neediest.
He said, “If each business combined the leftover food at the end of the day, all the puppies without a home would be fed, and we could even help shelters with that.”
What do you think about this man’s selfless act? Do you know anyone who treats animals similarly? Please let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to spread the news so that we can hear from more people.
So many food places throw good food away at the end of the day that all business’ like that should either donate leftovers to nursing homes, animal shelters or pig farms depending on the condition of the food.