It’s a trick or treat.
Gren Sowerby from England experienced the “shock of his life” when photographing a lion on a safari in Kenya. Instead of striking Sowerby, the lion appeared to smile at the frightened photographer.
Sowerby, age 69, said he was on a safari in Maasai Mara, Kenya, in September when the apex predator let out a loud roar, according to South West News Service, a British news agency.

Photo Credits – SWNS
“I was taking a photo when he let out a big roar – I had the shock of my life,” Sowerby claimed in comments published by SWNS. “He roared to say, ‘I’m the King of the Jungle,’ & then he smiled at me like when someone winks at you to say, ‘Haha!'”
Sowerby added that he was “about 10 to 15 meters (32 to 50 feet) away” from the lion, who was crossing a river with a lioness. “They had a kill in the bushes, and I guess he let out a roar, perhaps to signify he was full!”

Sowerby, who lives in Whitley Bay, Northumberland, said he was “taken aback by the sheer size” of the lion but was “very thrilled with the images.”
“The King of the Jungle is always something you have to capture, and I’m really glad I got the photo,” he said.
Although lions are among the most lethal beasts on the planet, they can be playful.
Earlier this week, a little lion baby accidentally scared its mother. The two-month-old cub was seen calmly wandering behind her mother in a video from the Royal Zoological Society at Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo before she pounced on her and stunned the adult lioness.