
Flight Attendant Reveals The Dirtiest Location On The Airplane, And It’s Not The Bathroom

Flight Attendant Reveals The Dirtiest Location On The Airplane, And It's Not The Bathroom

The one place on an airplane that, according to a flight attendant, “never gets cleaned” is filthy than the restrooms.The seat-back pockets, in contrast to the restrooms, are filthy and never get cleaned or maintained, according to Brenda Orelus, a Miami resident who posts as Flight Bae B online.

The frequent glitzy traveler warned her 98,000 TikTok fans of the worrying reality in a video, saying she’s seen people stuff their pockets with anything from trash to used tissues to dirty diapers.

Flight Attendant



@flightbae.b Want to know the dirtiest surface on aircrafts? 🦠 #dailytraveltips #airporttiktok #travelhacks #traveltiktok #flightbae #traveltok #flightattendant #flightattendantstories #cabincrewstories ♬ original sound – Flight Bae B!

“Did you realize that the aircraft’s seat-back pockets are the dirtiest surface?” Brenda stated, “They’re filthy than the bathrooms, dirtier than the seat cushions, and dirtier than the tray tables.”

They’re never cleaned, that’s why. It isn’t cleaned unless someone throws up on it or there is anything gooey, gooey, or puss flowing out of it.The air hostess said airplane cleaners would remove trash and other objects from pockets but won’t clean them.

She claimed that while restrooms are routinely cleaned and sanitized, there is no true regular maintenance or washing of those surfaces, leading to the accumulation of all those germs

She claimed that while restrooms are routinely cleaned and sanitized, there is no true regular maintenance or washing of those surfaces, leading to the accumulation of all those germs.

In the comments, users voiced their displeasure, and several described what they had observed other passengers storing in the seat pockets.One horrified viewer said, “I normally put my phone there,” to which another responded, “Same – all the time.” My phone is secure there once the charger is plugged in.

This is true! Another warned, “Never touch the pocket again,” while a third stated, “I once witnessed a parent put a dirty diaper in the back pocket.”One user stated that rather than tossing things out, “passengers will place consumed sunflower seeds, dirty diapers, and used Tissues.”

The seat pockets are frequently cleaned after flights, a cleaner interrupted, pointing out that this isn’t always the case.For each plane, there are two teams. The other crew thoroughly cleans each one while the first team removes rubbish and vacuums.

The seat pockets will typically be sanitized depending on how much time the team has to clean the plane, another cleaner said.

‘Normally, you get an hour and thirty minutes on the bigger airplanes, but for rapid rotations, it’s roughly 15 to thirty minutes with a six crew. You aren’t incorrect, but you aren’t 100% right,’ they said.Although it should be cleaned, some people can choose to ignore it.

An ex-flight attendant also revealed some trade secrets and gave her top five flying advice.Hawaii native Kat Kamalani used TikTok to explain why she never takes a flight without bringing her food and never orders tea or coffee while traveling.

Her first tip is always to have food while traveling by plane.You never know what will happen, she said.




Additionally, she admitted that she would never consume hot beverages while flying

Additionally, she admitted that she would never consume hot beverages while flying, so tea and coffee are off-limits.Because such water tanks are never cleaned, this is the explanation. They are disgusting, she said.

The whole (coffee) machines, which are located beside the restrooms, are never cleaned, she said, only the kettles, cleaned in between flights.

According to research on the “drinkability” of airline water, conducted by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center at the City University of New York, this is confirmed.

The survey concluded that seven out of ten airlines lacked good-quality water and advised passengers to only ever consume liquids from sealed containers while flying.

However, a maintenance worker for an airline shot down this idea and criticized the hostess for her opinions.He explained, “Just because you don’t clean the tanks doesn’t mean they aren’t completed; we do them.”

The Hawaii resident insists that all passengers should “always obey the flight attendants and what they say” in the third item on her list, which is maybe the clearest.

She adds that whenever she travels, she researches hotels, other airports, and flights just in case something happens. She needs to make new travel arrangements.

She ends by advising readers not to “divulge too much information—personal information—to someone who is sitting next to you and asks about your life.”


Previously a hostess, she now blogs about her family, exotic fruits, and films on health and well-being.However, her travel-related videos are the ones that go popular and spark the most conversation in the comments.

Other members of the flight crew were inspired to add their musts and must-not to the list by the most recent video.It is chilly on there, so I always carry my blanket, one woman stated.One woman stated, “I always bring my toothbrush, toothpaste, face wipes, and bottom wipes in my carry-on.”

Others, however, claimed that they enjoy bringing a change of clothes, even underwear.When I board an aircraft, I always purchase meals from restaurants and dine at home. A different passenger said, “I can smell other people’s feeds throughout the plane.

Another woman confessed that she finds it disgusting when passengers enter the aircraft barefoot.

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      Written by actbiggy